Building Trade Forums
Here you will cases in the building trade, namely: construction, painting and decoration, general home improvement etc.
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Rubberseal Ltd
Apologizing, David John Stewart form Rubberseal Ltd paid 2/3rd of a completed job invoice late, assuring the painter that "he would let accounts know" because they had sent the invoice to accounts last week. They now owed him £250,00. Days later, Rubberseal Ltd then announced that if the painter would paint their reception and toilet area for just £50,00, they would then pay him a total of £300,00. The painter then filed a law suit. HIS FORMER FIRMS: THE ROOF STORE LTD , DIRECT ROOFING.COM LTD, CRAFTSMAN CLADDING LTD
1,037 1,043 Zijn cashback-bonussen re...
26 minutes ago
by Brisadix
Southside Contracts Ltd
Garry Gowan from Southside contracts orders a job whereby the painter has to quickly sand over a one-bedroom flat in Largs and paint it; even the areas where wallpaper still had to be removed. He also had to paint sandstone window frames: but he should not bother with sanding or pointing them - just a quick paint-over. During the progress, Garry and his wife visited and viewed the work in progress, but in the end, Garry claimed that the work wasn't done correctly and refused to pay. The painter filed a lawsuit.
347 348 Welke goksites geven reiz...
7 minutes ago
by Brisadix

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